Satochi Nakamoto NFT (Dorian Nakamoto & Adam Back)
Satochi is a Charcoal drawing tentative created by pseudo Crypto Mercy mixing a charcoal drawing of Dorian Nakamoto & Adam Back and created a superposition of both charcoal realisation.
Fast and immediate Charcoal drawing final look is impressive. Even the great Michelangelo created a number of charcoal drawings. Artistically speaking, the main thing is called the essence. It's as important in charcoal drawing as it is in any other medium.
When creating a piece, the need to establish what the image is about, and what you want to say with it. Once you settle on the 'main idea' or the essence, everything you do from that point on, every move and every detail you put in or leave out, should work to strengthen that aspect of the piece.
Satoshi Nakamoto is the anonymous name used by the creators of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency but who is the anonymous creator of Bitcoin who went by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto
In a high-profile 6 March 2014 article in the magazine Newsweek, journalist Leah McGrath Goodman identified Dorian Prentice Satoshi Nakamoto, a Japanese American man living in California, whose birth name is Satoshi Nakamoto, as the Nakamoto in question. Besides his name, Goodman pointed to a number of facts that circumstantially suggested he was the bitcoin inventor. Trained as a physicist at Cal Poly University in Pomona, Nakamoto worked as a systems engineer on classified defense projects and computer engineer for technology and financial information services companies. Nakamoto was laid off twice in the early 1990s and turned libertarian, according to his daughter, and encouraged her to start her own business "not under the government's thumb." In the article's seemingly biggest piece of evidence, Goodman wrote that when she asked him about bitcoin during a brief in-person interview, Nakamoto seemed to confirm his identity as the bitcoin founder by stating: "I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it. It's been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection.
The article's publication led to a flurry of media interest, including reporters camping out near Dorian Nakamoto's house and subtly chasing him by car when he drove to do an interview.However, during the subsequent full-length interview, Dorian Nakamoto denied all connection to bitcoin, saying he had never heard of the currency before, and that he had misinterpreted Goodman's question as being about his previous work for military contractors, much of which was classified. In a Reddit "ask-me-anything" interview, he claimed he had misinterpreted Goodman's question as being related to his work for Citibank.Later that day, the pseudonymous Nakamoto's P2P Foundation account posted its first message in five years, stating: "I am not Dorian Nakamoto. In September, the account posted another message saying it had been hacked, raising questions over the earlier message's authenticity.
Adam Back
Adam Back (born July 1970) is a British cryptographer and cypherpunk. He is the CEO of Blockstream, which he co-founded in 2014. He invented Hashcash, which is used in the Bitcoin mining process.
Back was born in London, England, in July 1970. His first computer was a Sinclair ZX81. He taught himself Basic, and spent his time reverse engineering video games, finding decryption keys in software packages. He completed his A levels in advanced mathematics, physics and economics.
He has a computer science PhD in distributed systems from the University of Exeter. During his PhD, Back worked with compilers to make use of parallel computers in a semi automated way. He became interested in pgp encryption, electronic cash and remailers. He spent two thirds of his time working with encryption. After graduation, Adam spent his career as a consultant in start ups and larger companies in applied cryptography, writing cryptographic libraries, designing, reviewing and breaking other people's cryptographic protocols. He invented Hashcash, which is used in the Bitcoin mining process.
Cryptography software
Back's "Munitions" T-shirt featured computer code that was considered to be a weapon in the United States.
Back is a pioneer of early digital asset research similarly as Wei Dai, David Chaum, and Hal Finney. In 1997, Back invented Hashcash. A similar system is used in bitcoin.
He also implemented credlib, better source needed better source needed a library that implements the credential systems of Stefan Brands and David Chaum.
He was the first to describe the "non-interactive forward secrecy security property for email and to observe that any identity based encryption scheme can be used to provide non-interactive forward secrecy.
He is also known for promoting the use of ultra-compact code with his 2-line and 3-line RSA in Perl signature file and non-exportable T-shirts to protest cryptography export regulations.
Back was one of the first two people to receive an email from Satoshi Nakamoto. In 2016, the Financial Times cited Back as a potential Nakamoto candidate, along with Nick Szabo and Hal Finney.In 2020, a YouTube channel called Barely Sociable claimed that Back was Nakamoto. Back denied this.Craig Wright had sued Back for stating that Wright was not Nakamoto, with Wright subsequently dropping the suit.
Back has promoted the use of satellites and mesh networks to broadcast and receive bitcoin transactions, as a backup for the traditional internet.
Text has been copied for Adam Back & Dorian Nakamoto from Wikipedia