Mr Mercy Splitted Strategy
What i mean by saying Splitted Strategy. Short term strategy is to level up my APES and buy the ones with more upsides (Most Rare) + (Better aesthetics, more uniform colors, funnier APES). By selling the ugly one Minted or bought from the Floor Price with bad ranking and less upsides… On the other hand, i have a long term Strategy to hold the best one, the most rare, the Prime APES, which is holding my top APES and selling them when the floor and eGOLD price will be far away from here.
Never put all your eggs in the same basket… if your strategy is longterm and you just want to hold longterm that the eGOLD will Rise in another Bull Market that’s your choice and i respect that because we all know where the Floor will go longterm… the APES you have now some can value Millions in 1 or 2 years from here. Personnaly my strategy is to sell some to upgrade my APES… Example in my excel sheet i see that i bought 3 ordinary APES that’s cost me total 2.4 eGOLD.. They were all ranked over 8000… and i got 10.5 eGOLD for them and with that i bought Elrond APES #9050 and APES #4051 for 9 eGOLD but they are both ranked under 2500 rank and i still see more selling potential in them.. One part of my strategy is to level up the quality and the potential of my APES….. A second part in my strategy is too spot APES and keep some APES that can really be a game changer longterm.. like Samurai ranked under 300 for example. or if you have Primes 6 APES i would personnally try to be opportunist to level up my Primes by selling the ones that have weaker Ranks. Example selling 3 Prime at 60 egold you will get 180 egld… and with this 180 egold, you wait that the eGOLD drop and you by 2 PRIMES that have a better Ranking With stronger potential, better overall look etc. In general im personnally looking to use weaker APES to bring Stronger Potential APES in my wallet… and trying to be opportunist.
Try to create an Excel Sheet and track everything… Apes Ranking, price you bought, price you sold. Leave the APES you want to hold and the one that will gain more value on the side…
Try to buy APES when price of the eGOLD drop and try to sell them when price of the eGOLD rise.